
二十世紀的新約學者比前人更重視路加福音和使徒行傳的一體性。為方便稱呼,英語學者採用一個由兩卷書的簡稱合成的新名字,把這兩卷本應是連在一起的書合稱為 "Luke-Acts"。不少人以為這個英文名稱乃美國聖經學者 Henry J. Cadbury 所創(The Making of Luke-Acts [London: Macmillan, 1927])。一本新近出版的中文聖經參考書(袁天佑,《使徒行傳導論》〔香港:基道,2005〕,頁62、註 21)這麼說:
他〔Cadbury〕主張用一個連字號(hyphen)將兩本書連在一起,即 Luke-Acts,表示兩本書是連貫的。他說:「在英文用語來說,使用連字號並不是最適合的,但為加強兩卷寫給提阿非羅的書的歷史連貫性,『路─徒』這用語或許是可以接受的。」(p.11)Juel, Luke-Acts, p.2,認為他是這見解的倡議者。
引文的原文(Cadbury, The Making of Luke-Acts, 11)是這麼說的:
Hyphenated compounds are not typographically beautiful or altogether congenial to the English language, but in order to emphasize the historic unity of the two volumes addressed to Theophilus the expression "Luke-Acts" is perhaps justifiable.
不過,最近有學者指出 Cadbury 並非率先使用 "Luke-Acts" 這個名稱的人。Scott Shauf 在他出版了的博士論文(Theology as History, History as Theology: Paul in Ephesus in Acts 19 [Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005], 1n1)中寫道:
The coinage of the now commonly used "Luke-Acts" to affirm the unity of the (canonically divided) Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles is miscredited to Henry J. Cadbury so frequently that it is worth correcting. Although Cadbury no doubt does deserve much of the credit for the widespread use of the abbreviation, the term "Luke-Acts" itself goes back at least to B. W. Bacon, whose 1900 An Introduction to the New Testament (New York: MacMillan & Co.) discussed Luke and Acts in a single section with "Luke-Acts" as the title. Bacon indeed spoke of the "design of Luke-Acts," in which "Part I relates Messiah's Humiliation in his unwelcomed coming to Israel; Part II, his Triumph in the creation of a new People of God" (218). For a few examples of the miscrediting to Cadbury, see Donald Juel, Luke-Acts: The Promise of History (Atlanta: John Knox, 1983), 2 . . . As Parsons and Pervo [Rethinking the Unity of Luke and Acts (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993)] point out, Cadbury himself seems to take credit for the term in his preface to the second edition of The Making of Luke-Acts (London: S.P.C.K., 1958), although his words could be read to refer only to the widespread use of the term and not to his invention.
"Luke-Acts" 該如何中譯?上面提及的那本聖經參考書把 "Luke-Acts" 直譯做「路─徒」,可是「路─徒」不但和 "Luke-Acts" 同樣是不太好看(亦即如 Cadbury 所言:not typographically beautiful),而且不像 "Luke-Acts" 一聽就懂(聽到「路─徒」這個新詞,一般人難免只會想到同音詞「路途」);使用全稱(「路加(福音)─ 使徒行傳」)則失於累贅(例如:亞德邁耶〔Paul J. Achtemeier 〕、格林〔 Joel B. Green 〕、湯瑪恩〔Marianne Meye Thompson〕著,伍美詩譯,《新約文學與神學:四福音及耶穌》〔香港:天道,2004〕,頁15)。
和法語聖經學者不同,德語聖經學界甚少直譯 "Luke-Acts" 這個在英語學界通行的名稱;二十世紀下半葉最為流行的德語等義詞是 "das lukanische Doppelwerk"【註】,也有人把路加的兩卷著作稱為 "die lukanischen Schriften"(例如:Petr Pokorný, Theologie der lukanischen Schriften [Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998]),英語叫做 "the Lukan writings",日語叫做「ルカ文書」,漢譯是「路加著作」(參見鮑維均,《古道新釋:從使徒行傳看以賽亞書中救贖歷史的成全》〔香港:漢語聖經協會,2003〕)。如果要表達 "Luke-Acts" 這個詞所隱含的意思,我們是否可以仿傚德語學者的做法,避免把 "Luke-Acts" 直譯過來,而把路加福音和使徒行傳合稱為「路加兩卷集」或「路加二卷」?
【註】我對 "lukanisches Doppelwerk" 這個名稱究竟是何時、以及如何出現並沒有做過深入的考究,只看到(1)Hans Conzelmann 在一九六零年出版第三版的 Die Mitte der Zeit: Studien zur Theologie des Lukas (Tübingen: Mohr, 1960) 還沒有採用這個名稱;(2)一九六三年出版、由 Werner Georg Kümmel 重新修訂的新約導論(Paul Feine und Johannes Behm, Einleitung in das Neue Testament [Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1963])把路加福音和使徒行傳合稱為 "Lk./Apg." 以及 "das lukanische Geschichtswerk"(99),但仍未使用 "das lukanische Doppelwerk" 這個名稱;(3)"das lukanische Doppelwerk" 出現於 Philipp Vielhauer 在一九七五年出版的 Geschichte der urchristlichen Literatur: Einleitung in das Neue Testament, die Apokryphen und die apostolischen Väter (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1975) 和Walter Radl, Paulus und Jesus im lukanischen Doppelwerk: Untersuchungen zu Parallelmotiven im Lukasevangelium und in der Apostelgeschichte (Bern: Herbert Lang; Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1975)。另一方面,有些以英文寫作的聖經學者可能受了 "das lukanische Doppelwerk" 這個詞的影響,也把路加福音和使徒行傳合稱為 "(the Lukan) double work"(例如:N. T. Wright, The New Testament and the People of God [Minneapolis: Fortress, 1992], 376)。